Vital Information Related to Azelaic Acid

azelaic-info Azelaic acid is an effective treatment for skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. It has been proven at help to reduce and in some cases eliminate many different skin conditions. Because it is so effective, Azelaic acid is used in a wide variety of skin care products.

Azelaic acid can be purchased over the counter, however there is certain information that people should be aware of before using the product.

Potential Side Effects

When it comes to the use of Azelaic acid, there is possibility of some side effects occurring. If people experience some of the side effects listed below, they should consult a doctor.

  • Swelling, rashes, hives, itching or allergic reactions should all be reported to the doctor as soon as possible if they should occur.
  • Serious itching, burning, swelling and crusting of the areas that were treated.
  • Bleaching of the skin, especially with people who have darker complexions.

Minor side effects usually occur when Azelaic acid is used. These are common and need not be reported to a doctor, unless they become serious.

  • dry skin
  • mild stinging, itching or burning
  • Skin redness
  • Peeling of the skin
  • reddening of the skin
  • skin peeling

Can Azelaic Acid Interact With Other Medicine?

When people take Azelaic Acid, generally interactions with other medications are not expected. It is important to note that when planning on using this product it is good to consult with your doctor. The doctor will be able to determine based off the different prescription, non-prescription, herbs, dietary supplements, drugs and medicines if Azelaic acid will interact with them.

What Should I Watch for When using Azelaic Acid?

If you are using Azelaic acid and your skin condition gets worse and there is no improvement after 4 weeks, then it is important that you go and see a doctor. If it causes peeling of the skin, too much dryness and redness, then a medical doctor should be consulted.

People who use Azelaic acid can use water based cosmetics while using the product. The cosmetics can be applied once the cream has dried. To avoid redness, blushing and flushing, individuals should avoid beverages and foods that cause those reactions. These would include hot coffee, spicy foods and alcohol.

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